Monday, February 28, 2005

Something fishy?

The Observer International Word is made flesh as God reveals himself... As a fish: "Nivelo, a Gentile who does not understand Hebrew, was so shocked at the sight of a fish talking in any language that he fell over. He ran into the front of the store screaming: 'It's the Devil! The Devil is here!' Then the shop owner heard it shouting warnings and commands too.
it said 'Tzaruch shemirah' and 'hasofbah', he told the New York Times,
which essentially means that everyone needs to account for themselves because the end is near.' "

I asked God if this could be true. He showed me this verse when I flipped open my Bible. It opened to this page. And my eyes focused on this line.

"Zephaniah 1:10 (The Message)The Message
10Judgment Day!' god's Decree! '
Cries of panic from the city's Fish Gate,
Cries of terror from the city's Second Quarter,

Very strange, but the Bible records that a donkey talked once. By the way the fish store wanted to change their motto to "our fish speaks for itself". Of course God has a sense of humor.
For example I told God I needed to loose some weight as I was just about to eat a hamburger. God spoke back to me in my spirit saying something like "you'll have to eat less of those" I told God, you know by faith you could make that hamburger half the calories if you wanted to. God was suspiciously silent. I knew he had something in mind. Just then my son came up and asked for a hamburger too, I was hungry so instead of giving him my whole burger I cut it and gave him half of mine, I turned around and saw the other remaining half of a hamburger on my plate. God said "there ya go". That was funny. I asked God why he doesn't joke with some people after someone got "bent out of shape" when I said God joked with me. God told me "you know how when you go over to someone's house and you think they would be offended if you joked with them?" he said it was like that. Besides it would upset some peoples faith. I thought I would recommend you give God the ok to joke with you, he's very polite and might not unless you ask. By the way he is way funnier than comedians you see on TV and his jokes sometimes have deep meaning. For those of you who might be "bent out of shape" by the notion of God joking with you, I hope I have not offended you. You might read the post here on the "Gospel of Forrest Gump". That might help. Anyway if your not ready for it here you will get it in heaven I assure you. They probably have libraries of books on just the funny stuff God has said and done. He invented humor. Oh and psalms 2 says he laughs. Passage?Lookup: Psalm 2;: " 4 Heaven-throned God breaks out laughing."

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