Sunday, December 31, 2006

What is on this blog?

This Blog shows evidence that bible prophecy is here and now. You an I are living on the knife edge of this age, A horrible time is comming on the earth and then Christ will reign!
Here is a list of some of the highlights
  1. E.U. Document 666 creates a european super office. (the antichrist)
  2. The revived Roman empire, (the E.U) picks as symbols the exact symbols predicted by John in the revelation.
  3. Prophecies predict the anti-christ is about to be revealed
  4. The mark of the beast tech is being used today
  5. The Gospel according to Forrest Gump
  6. The "rapture" will soon take millions from the earth, and you will see it one way or another.

Some of the posts (like this one) have been made with a future date to make sure they stay at the top of the blog.

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This entry was posted on Saturday, Sept

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